The inaugural AAOK Club in The Villages, Florida, has been a tremendous success.
We would like to share our experience with you and help you start your own club in your community.
Here are a few of our early thoughts on starting a club. We hope to turn this into a more formal and complete guide soon.
- Decide on the community you want to cover (state, city/town, local area, organization, etc)
- We will send you the artwork for our logos and cards and The Santoro Foundation will provide you with 2000 cards to start with. We will also work with you to get the T-Shirts for your club members through our supplier. We will also share with you the guidelines we used to build our club in The Villages.
- Communicate your club information (vision, mission, and goal) using email, social media, word of mouth etc. to get a core membership. Work on getting 40-50 members for a start.
- Decide on a chapter leader and a formal slate of officers if you think that is necessary. Put together a Candidate Selection Committee and an Event Coordination Committee. You may also want to have a public relations committee. Set up meeting times/places.
- Begin with what we call Level One AAOK’s. This involves members handing out cards to acknowledge positive attitudes and kindness. This very quickly promotes interest in the club and is simple and fun to do. From there you can move into the Level Two AAOK’s and become as creative as you want. WE can share with you some of our experience in this area.
- Work with local media to get the publicity you need. You’ll find media quite receptive to the idea of spreading kindness. Some of your events will make great stories for them to publish.
- Get some local businesses (restaurants, stores, beauty/barber shops, etc) to help you using our business flyer and AAOK Cards.