The goal is to have several all over the world.
Dayton Ohio Club
In March 2019 Anne Sheehan and her husband, Terry, rented a home in The Villages, FL. Anne learned about the newly developed Acknowledging Acts of Kindness Club and was thrilled by the idea. She asked if we would help her start an effort in Dayton, Ohio, her home town. We jumped at the idea, and she has been a wonderful addition to our cause. She has boundless energy and has shared our story with many businesses, political, religious, and educational groups in the Dayton area. At this point, she has distributed over 30,000 cards. They even have their own website,
Check out this video of the Mayor of Dayton Ohio talking about AAOK!
AAOK made it to South Africa!
Cape Town South Africa
We have had some interest from the Cape Town Technical College in using our ideas in the teaching of students. They were in the process of producing our kindness cards in the many languages of their country – but Covid19 has put a temporary stop to this. Hopefully things will be able to happen when things get back to normal.
Help spread the word!